Cathedral Hill Neighbors Association (CHNA) is a not for profit neighborhood association, formally registered in 2006. Our members are homeowners, tenants, businesses, non-profit organizations, churches and places of worship in the area.

Cathedral Hill Neighbors

Who We Are

Cathedral Hill is one of the City’s most diverse and rapidly growing neighborhoods.Known for Japantown, historical churches, and the vibrant Fillmore and Polk Street shopping areas, Cathedral Hill is also home to thousands of homeowners and tenants.

What We Do

Like all San Francisco neighborhoods, Cathedral Hill faces various challenges, including keeping its streets safe and graffiti-free, beautifying nearby parks and green spaces, and making sure new developments fall within existing zoning requirements.

Who We Serve

The Cathedral Hill Neighbors Association (CHNA) was formed in 2005 to help give a voice to Cathedral Hill resdidents. Membership in CHNA is open to residents of Cathedral Hill and adjacent communities, as well as organizations and businesses.

Our Programs


CHNA supports sustainable urban development while improving the quality of San Francisco’s renowned physical and philosophical environment.

  • We support all efforts to improve air quality and reduce hazardous wastes in air, water and on city streets.
  • We support the use of public transport, rapid transit corridors, natural gas buses, regulated street parking and pedestrian safety.
  • We support retaining and expanding parks, open spaces and tree plantings.
  • We support San Francisco fire, police and other public employees in their efforts to provide clean, safe, violence-free neighborhoods.
  • We support the SF Emergency Response Plan and the NERT earthquake safety program.

CHNA Position on Development on Cathedral Hill and the VanNess Corridor:


CHNA is monitoring all applications for development in our 30 + block area. We have established the following guidelines:

  • We believe the SF Planning Department should enforce all current planning requirements, which include height and density limits, affordable housing, green buildings, increased parking for bicycles and ZIpcars.
  • We believe the citizens of San Francisco deserve the best enforcement efforts of the Planning Department, rather than variances being granted to developers without regard to health and safety of residents and employees.


How can you help?

Want to become a member? Learn more about the Cathedral Hill Neighbors Association (CHNA)

Become a Member

 The CHNA exists to maintain and enhance the quality of life for residents and businesses in the Cathedral Hill neighborhood of the City of San Francisco, California.

Our Mission

Ensure compliance with height, density and land use restrictions, without exemptions for special interests; Maintain and enhance safe air quality, noise levels and environmental health standards;
Limit unreasonable traffic and parking congestion in our critical transit corridors.

“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people.”

― Jean Vanier